What's your BMI?
BMI stands for Basal Mass Index. It has to do with your weight, and as the weight goes up it becomes a risk factor, a component of the metabolic syndrome. Although you can make a gross estimate by the size of the shadow your body casts, there is a easy math to it. The constant is 704.5 multiplied with body body weight and twice divided with height in inches. |
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BMI CALCULATION 704.5 X Weight in Pounds ÷ Height in inches ÷ Height in inches. Check out MDCAL for auto-calculations of BMI and much more.
A weight of 120 lbs and height of 5 ft 4 inches calculates as: 704.5 x 120 = 84,540 84,549 ÷ 64 = 1,320.0375 1.320.0375 ÷ 64 = 20.64 BMI of 20.64 (normal range)
704.5 x 250 = 176,125 176,125 ÷ 68 = 2,5909.073 2,5909.073 ÷ 68 = 38.089 BMI of 38.09 (Morbid obesity) |
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FACTOIDS - 60% of US adults are overweight and obese. - 8 to 12 million, 3% to 5% are morbidly obese. - Mortality increases exponentially from 40 BMI and upwards. - $50 billion is spent annually in treating problems related to excess weight and obesity. - Another $32 B is spent on OTC diet products and weight-loss programs. - The long-term success rate for medical management (diet, behavior modification and appetite suppresants) is only 5% for the morbidly obese. |
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