Family • Pteridaceae
Adiantum caudatum Linn.
Bian ye tie xian jue
Scientific names | Common names |
Adiantum assamicum B.K.Nayar | Alambrillong-gubat (Tag.) |
Adiantum borneense Gand. | Slender maidenhair (Engl.) |
Adiantum caudatum L. | Tailed maidenhair (Engl.) |
Adiantum caudatum var. angustilobatum Bonap. | Trailing maidenhair (Engl.) |
Adiantum flagelliferum Wall. | Walking maidenhair fern (Engl.) |
Adiantum lomesam B.K.Nayar & Geev.. | |
Adiantum lyratum Blanco | |
Adiantum caudatum (L.) is an accepted species. KEW: Plants of the World Online |
Other vernacular names |
CHINESE: You wei tie xian jue, Bian ye tie xian jue. |
INDIA: Rajahamsa. |
INDONESIA: Suplir berekor. |
SANSKRIT: Myurshikha. |
THAILAND: Hang nak bok, Tin tukkae, Kut Namkhao. |
VIETNAM: C[aa]y r[ows] den. |
Gen info Botany Adiantum caudatum is a terrestrial or epilithic plant, 10-40 cm tall. Rhizomes erect, short, scales deeply castaneous, lanceolate, margins entire. Fronds clustered; stipe castaneous, 1-10 cm, densely dark brown or brownish multicellular hirsute; lamina 1-pinnate, lanceolate in outline, 15-30 × 2-4 cm, base slightly narrow; rachis same color as stipe and similarly sparsely hirsute, glabrescent when old, apex usually prolonged into a whiplike stolon rooting at tip to form new plantlet; pinnules 20-44 pairs, 5-8 mm apart, alternate, or lower ones subopposite, horizontally spreading or slightly obliquely spreading, lower pinnules gradually reduced, middle ones ± dimidiate, suboblong, 0.7-2 × 0.6-1 cm, papery, brownish green, both surfaces sparsely multicellular hirsute and densely pubescent, base asymmetrical, lower margins substraight and entire, upper and outer margins deeply divided into many narrow lobes, upper side truncate; lobes linear, margins entire, upper part again lobed into fine linear segments, apex truncate, fine segments truncate or few dentate at apex; veins multidichotomously branching, visible on both surfaces. Sori 5-12 per pinna; false indusia dark brown, orbicular or oblong, hairy, upper margins flat and straight, entire, persistent. Perispore granular. (Flora of China) Distribution Constituents Properties Availability |
Updated April 2023 /June 2019 / June 2016
IMAGE SOURCES: Adiantum (1) Left: Adiantum caudatum L. [19891-21562-93721] Hu, H.S., Ching, R.C., Icones filicum sinicarum, vol. 5: t. 210 (1958) (2) Right: Adiantum caudatum L. [19891-21562-147868 Houtte, L. van, Flore des serres et des jardin de l'Europe, vol. 22: t. 0 (1845) / / Click on image to go to source page |
OTHER IMAGE SOURCE: Photo: Pteridaceae: Adiantum caudatum / Bachelot Pierre J-P / CC BY-SA 3.0 / click on image to go to source page / Wikimedia Commons |
OTHER IMAGE SOURCE: Photo: Adiantum caudatum - Lower abaxial surface middle lamina showing hairy surface and sori protected by larminar margins (pseudoindusia) / Copyright © 2012 by J F Barcelona & P B Pelser (contact: [ref. DOL75237] / Non-Commercial Use / click on image to go to source page / |
Sources and Suggested Readings |
α•(5) |
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List of Understudied Philippine Medicinal Plants |
α•(5) |