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Family Anacardiaceae
Koordersiodendron pinnatum Merr..

Scientific names Common names
Koordersiodendron pinnatum Merr. Amugis (Tag.)
  Dangila (Tag.)
  Karogkog (Bik.)
Koordersiodendron pinnatum Merr. is an unresolved name. The Plant List
Kew science / Plants of the World online provides 5 synonyms: Cyrticarpa quinquestilla Blanco, Helicteres pinnata Blanco, Koordersiodendron celebicum Engl., KoordersiodendrON papuanum Kaneh & Hatus, Odina speciosa Blume. (3)

Other vernacular names
INDONESIAN: Tabu hitam, Bugis, Kayu bugis, Grepau, Siuri.

Amugis is a large evergreen tree growing to a height of 25 to 40 m. Bole is cylindrical, bole 80 cm or more in diameter, branchless up to 20 meters or more. Bark is dark brown or black, shallowly or deeply fissured. Leaves are spirally arranged, crowded at the end of twigs, with 6 to 16 pairs of leaflets. Leaflets are oblong with equilateral obtuse base and acuminate ape, 9 to 20 cm by 2 to 2.5 cm. Inflorescence are in axillary panicles, up to 50 cm long, with white to yellow green flowers. Fruits are 2.5 to 4 cm long containing one seed. Seed is ellipsoid and compressed, about 2.5 by 1.5 cm.

- Widely distributed throughout the Philippines. in most islands and provinces.
- In open and secondary forests at low altitudes.

- Also found in Borneo, Indonesia, Moluccas, New Guinea.

- Crude extract yielded tannins, saponins, cardiac glycosides, phenolic compounds, and steroids. (see study below) (5)

- Fruit favored by the palm civet.
- Studies has suggested non toxicity, anticancer, antioxidative and antibacterial properties.

Parts used
Exudate, bark.


- Fruit is sweet and edible.
- Plant exudate and bark are used medicinally.
- Wood: Cultivated for its red wood. Heartwood is medium-red brown to dark red. Heartwood is only moderately durable or nondurable; not resistant to termites. (4)
- Construction: Used for flooring and furniture components; turnery (4)

Toxicity Study:
Study evaluated the acute toxicity of methanolic extracts of K. pinnatum in DDY mice using measures of behavioral observations in form of locomotor activity, curiosity, defecation, urination, and animal mortality. No changes were recorded on 14-day observation. Mortality was recorded in 2% of male group, with no mortality in the female group. The extract was practically non toxic for both male and female with LD50>15 g/kg. (2)
Cytotoxicity / Anticancer / Leaves: Study evaluated the cytotoxic potential of K. pinnatum against MCF-7 human breast cancer, HCT 116 human colorectal cancer. and 549 human lung cancer cell lines. IC50s obtained were 19.54 for HCT116, 24.31 for MCF7, and 26.03 for for A549. Results suggested anticancer potential with the cytotoxic property exerted by inhibition of proliferation f the three cancer cell lines, with HCT16 being the most inhibited. (5)
Antibacterial / Antioxidant / Bark: Study evaluated the in-vitro antibacterial and antioxidative properties of of various bark extracts. The ethyl acetate bark extract inhibited all seven test bacteria viz., Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Corynebacterium sp., Salmonella enteritidis, E. coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antioxidative test was carried out at concentrations of 1, 5, and 10% with aquadest as negative control and α-tcopherol as positive control. Peroxide value of ethanol extract 111.29 was lower than α-tocopherol. (6)


October 2020

                                                 PHOTOS / ILLUSTRATIONS
IMAGE SOURCE: Photo / Anacardiaceae: Koordersiodendron pinnatum / Flowering branch / © 2015 Benigno Resurreccion / contact: pieter.pelser@canterbury.ac.nz) [ref. DOL104887 / click on image to go to source page / Phytoimages.siu.edu
OTHER IMAGE SOURCE: Photo / Anacardiaceae: Koordersiodendron pinnatum / Twig / © 2014 Leon Alberto Sibal / contact: pieter.pelser@canterbury.ac.nz) [ref. DOL92613] click on image to go to source page / Phytoimages.siu.edu
OTHER IMAGE SOURCE: / Photo / Anacardiaceae: Koordersiodendron pinnatum / Fruits / Leaf / click on image to go to source page /     © Fruitipedia
OTHER IMAGE SOURCE: Photo / Anacardiaceae: Koordersiodendron pinnatum / Flowering branch / © 2015 Benigno Resurreccion / contact: pieter.pelser@canterbury.ac.nz) [ref. DOL104888 / click on image to go to source page / Phytoimages.siu.edu

Additional Sources and Suggested Readings
Koordersiodendron pinnatum / The Plant List
Toxicity and Lethality Evaluations of Koordersiodendron pinnatum Leaves Methanolic Extract in DDY Mice
/ Sofna Banjarnahor, Indah Dwiatmi Dewijanti, Marissa Angelina, Sofa Fajriah /
Journal of Tropical Life Science, June 2012; 6(3): pp 190-195 / DOI: 10.11594/jtls.06.03.10
Koordersiodendron pinnatum / Synonyms / Kewscience / Plants of the World online
Koordersiodendron pinnatum / USDA Forest Service
In vitro analysis of cytotoxic activity of Koordersiodendron pinnatum (Blanco) Merr. Ethanolic leaf extract against Human Breast Cancer (MCF7), Human Colorectal Cancer (HCT116) and Human Lung Cancer (A549) cell lines / Dr Zhariah Gualmatico, Flores, Dr Remedios P Santos / Philippine Journal of Medicine, 2018; 1(5) / ISN: 2467-6608
Antibacterial and antioxidative activity tests on extract of siuri (Koordersiodendron pinnatum (Blanco) Merr.) cortex / Praptiwi dan Mindarti Harapini / Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 2004; 15(3): pp 151-157

It is not uncommon for links on studies/sources to change. Copying and pasting the information on the search window or using the DOI (if available) will often redirect to the new link page. (Citing and Using a (DOI) Digital Object Identifier)

                                                            List of Understudied Philippine Medicinal Plants

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