Water was a problem from the get-go. Public water utilities and services were not available at the time construction started for the Pulang Lupa complex. Despite the mathematics of elevation and cost, we opted to attempt drilling from the peak, our hopes especially buoyed by the cockiness of the first group's lead guy, certain he would hit water soon enough. But he pulled out, soon enough, after a couple of failed attempts, despite the assistance of water psychics and an assortment of magnetic rod detectors.

The construction went on, so hampered by the water needs. Water was delivered on site by a jeepney with a water tank filled from a river-source, requiring two trips to fill up the 1000-gallon reservoir tank on the construction site, for a cost of P2,000.

From late May to early October, rains become predictable making the roads up to the peak unpassable for vehicular delivery. A horse was purchased for the purpose of water-hauling, but his contribution to resolving the water needs was minimal. Drain spouts were contrived to collect rain water. On occasions of downpours that caused accumulation of rain puddles, even in the midnight hours, Ruben could be heard shoveling or scoopiing the rain water onto collection drums. Still, there were stretches of days when lack of water - or too much of it on the ground - caused work stoppages.

The Constructiion Story
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