The HIV Epidemic and the Failure of Sex Education: The Meddlesome Church?
The Comic Failure of Language in Sex Education in the Philippines
Herbal Supplements: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
The Ancestral House: Haunted No More
The Story Behind the Medicinal Plant Compilation. (A Plantologist's Journey / Updated 9/2023)
The Complete Updated List of Philippine Medicinal Plants in Tagalog and English
List of Understudied Philippine Medicinal Plants
Abuse and Plagiarism of the Compilation on Philippine Medicinal Plants Under the Guise of Fair Use
List of Plants with Known Toxicity
Herb-Drug Interactions
Kintsay (Celery) 9/19 Taba-ahas (Mountain knot-grass) 9/21 Panapanarahan (Wild hops / Kidney bush) 9/22 Malatiki (Indian willow) 9/23
Kiapo (Water cabbage / Water lettuce) 9/26 Tungkod-pare (Good luck plant / Ti plant) 10/2 Kalamansanai (Philippine almond) 10/3 Pugo-pugo (Nut sedge / Green kyllinga) 10/4
Puso-puso (Indian laurel) 10/4 Payang-payang (Angel locks) 10/5 Corana de espina (Crown of thorns) 10/6 Rambutan (Ramboutanier) 10/7
Hamboro (Pitted aglaia) 10/9 African talisay (Madagascar almond) 10/10 Tinduk-tindukan (River mangrove) 10/11 Abutra (Yellow fruit moonseed) 10/11
Katil (Chinese bush carrot) 10/12 Yerba buena (Menthol mint) 10/14 Paperbark tree (Cajeput oil tree) 10/15 Talahib (Wild cane) 10/15
Tubo (Sugarcane) 10/16 Bawang (Garlic) 10/17 Abang-abang (Red tree vine) 10/18 Purple milletia (Chicha) 10/19
Kulutkulutan (Chinese burr) 10/21 Indian rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia) 10/22 Estrella (Star of Bethlehem) 10/25 Pink trumpet tree (Pink poui) 10/25
Tambu-tambu (Cedar mangrove) 10/28 Malasandia (Tiger foot morning glory) 10/29 Santan (Red ixora / Jungle flame) 10/30 Kaki (Japanese persimmon) 10/31
Sambong (Blumea camphor) 11/1 Mangostan (Purple mangosteen) 11/2 Papuang-laparan (Hedge panax ) 11/5 Niog-niogan (Rangoon creeper) 11/6
Nito (Red finger fern) 11/7 Nitong-puti (Climbing fern) 11/8 Komprey (True comfrey) 11/8 Kadios (Pigeon pea) 11/9
Ulasiman-kalat (Snake needle grass) 11/11 Bulaklak ng paraiso (Peacock flower) 11/13 Lagundi (Five-leaf chaste tree) 11/14 Pelegrina (Fragrant glory bower) 11/16
Mala-anis (Sweet broom weed) 11/18 Sigarilyas (Winged bean) 11/19 Melon (Cantaloupe) 11/20 Luiang-usiu (Shampoo ginger) 11/21
Borbotak (Red flower ragleaf) 11/22 Taiuman (Hairy indigo) 11/23 Hugas (Pearleaf microglossa) 11/24 Neem (Holy tree) 11/25
Abkel (Petroleum nut) 11/26 Badok (Weedy cudweed / Jersey cudweed) 11/27 White water lily (White lotus) 11/27 Lima-lima (Five fingers) 11/30
Tanghas (Myristica simiarum) 12/1 Mayana (Painted nettle, Coleus) 12/1 Linga (Sesame) 12/7 Soldier's orchid (Zeuxine strateumatica) 12/8
Bugleweed (Ajuga integrifolia) 12/18 Buntot-pusa / Cat's tail / Shrub mint) 12/22 Katong-matsing (Chisocheton pentandrus) 12/23 Bayanti (Large-leaved aglaia) 12/24
Kalantas (Philippine cedar) 12/28 Saga (Prayer beads / Rosary beads) 12/29 Tiwi (Mangrove trumpet tree) 12/30 Put (Common St. Paul's wort) 12/30
Damong maria (Common mugwort) 12/30 Litlit (Long pepper) 1/4 Sibuyas tagalog (Red onion) 1/7 Ayapana (Water hemp / White snakeroot) 1/8
Tawa-tawa (Bell orchid) 1/9 Mani-manian (Pinto peanut / Golden glory) 1/11 Tikas (Canna lily) 1/14 Sesban (Egyptian river hemp) 1/16
Bambang (White bauhinia) 1/17 Luya-luyahan (White tumeric) 1/21 Sagai-uak (Caranja / Picria fel-terrae) 1/22 Escobilla (Arrowlef sida / Sida weed) 1/23
Dikit-dikit (Ticktree) 1/24 Panoan (Wood apple) 2/1 Tandang-aso (Turkey berry) 2/8 Pandakaki-puti (Kampupot / Banana bush) 2/10
Botong (Fish poison tree / Box fruit) 2/11 Sinang padayao (Toothed clubmoss) 2/12 Salimbagat (Caper tree) 2/13 Amugis (Mugis, Rangu) 2/14
Laua-laua (Carabao grass / Buffalo grass) 2/15 Borbotak (Red flower rag leaf) 2/16 Langka (Jackfruit) 2/18 Abukado (Avocado) 2/20
Dayang (Cyathula prostrata / Pastureweed) 2/22 Hangod (Prickly chaff flower) 2/23 Pansit-pansitan (Shiny bush) 2/23 Sayikan (Chickenweed) 2/25
Ditiran (Shrubby deeringia / Red berry) 2/26 Guyabano (Soursop / Graviola) 2/28 Dilang-butiki (Creeping dentella) 3/1 Auricled hedyotis (Eared-leaf diamond f.) 3/1
Banaro (Beach gardenia / Zebra wood) 3/2 Ilang-Ilang (Ylang-Ylang / Perfume tree) 3/3 A las diyes (Ten o'clock flower) 3/5 Lanot (Climbing senecio) 3/7
Cilantro (Coriander) 3/8 Bunga-bunga (Sessile joyweed) 3/8 Sabila (Aloe / Aloe vera) 3/9 Bariu-bariu (Swordlead Dianela) 3/9
Lagunding-dagat (Three-leaved chaste tree) 3/10 Jaboticaba (Brazilian grape tree) 3/11 Makabuhay (Heavenly elixir) 3/12 Lumanai (Water willow) 3/13
Sapin-sapin (Green shrimp plant) 3/15 Malamansanita (Hirsute helicteres) 3/15 Longan (Dragon's eye) 3/20 Binuñga (Elephant's ear) 3/22
Piti-piti (Ruellia / Popping pod) 3/23 Marrango (Philippine neem) 3/23 Danupra (Toon / Red cedar) 3/24 Red powder puff (Powder puff bush) 3/25
Rock tassel fern (Fir clubmoss) 7/17 Spindle tree (Climbing euonymus) 7/23 Balat-buwaya tree (Forest coffee tree) 7/26 Tiagkot (Monkey pod) 7/28
Patayud (Tree heliotrope / Octopus bush) 7/30 Pagatpat baye (Mangrove apple) 8/4 Lubang-dapdap (Prickly coral tree) 8/6 Banilad (Hairy sterculia) 8/8
Salong-salong (Narig / Stellate-hair vatica) 8/10 Tawi-tawi narig (Resak ) 8/12 Bagolan (Yellow mahogany) 8/14 Salingkugi (White flower albizia) 8/16
Batik (Japanese eurya) 8/21 Pandakaking gubat (Milkwood) 8/24 Malasambong gubat (Tree vernonia) 8/25 Balu (Kou / Kerosene tree) 8/27
Kamuling (Microcos triflora var. triflora) 8/30 Amututin (Tasmannia piperita / Sapal) 8/31 Ginlin (Twin apple) 9/1 Pagatpat (Sweet-scented mangrove apple) 9/5
Ulayan (Celeb oak) 9/6 Batungaw (Red lip / Kelat oil) 9/9 Bankalon (Perfume flower tree) 9/11 Gadong-gadon (Coralberry) 9/24
Loquat (Chinese plum) 9/29 Alanday (Suji / Dragon's blood palm) 10/1 Bahilud (Buchanania insignis) 10/3 Kalong (Firefly mangrove tree) 10/20
Gapas-gapas bae (Fireweed) 10/24 Beberas (Curved flower chassalia) 10/27 Tabao (Red-flowered black mangrove) 11/4 Kombretum (Climbing bushwillow) 11/15
Barongisan (Large aglaia) 11/28 Tukang-kalau (Aglaia pachyphylla) 11/28 Amari (Aglaia spectabilis) 11/29 Duguan (Nutmeg / Mace) 12/5
Salaqui (Chisocheton ceramicus) 12/12 Patens (Chisocheton patens) 12/15 Black grass jelly (Chinese mesona) 12/16 Hairy gomphrena (Hairy platostoma) 12/17
Manalau (Aglaia oligophylla) 12/24 Salamingal (Aglaia silvestris) 12/27 Herbaka (Oriental wormwood) 1/2 Pink blumea (Blumea axillaris) 1/2
Shael (Oriental purpleberry) 1/6 Mistflower (Creeping croftonweed) 1/10 Banig-usa (Alyce clover / White moneywort) 1/13 Sweet alys (Sweet alyce clover) 1/14
Jewel vine (Hog creeper) 1/16 Peanut grass (Showy pigeonpea) 1/20 Sticky desmodium (Sticky pod weed) 1/26 Jumby bean (Burn mouth vine) 1/28
Manguelas (Golden apple, Dwarf ambarella) 1/29 Beach bean (Sea bean / Marine bean) 1/30 Grasslike zornia (Gibbous bean) 2/1 Painted uraria (Prishnaparni) 2/6
Wild Japanese pepper (Naked ground berry) 2/7 Aganosma (Long-petal aganosma) 2/12 Nerve plant (Fitonia / Mosaic plant) 2/13 Sagasa (Nilad plant ) 2/19
Almanya (Node flower allmanya) 2/21 Climbing wool plant (Nariya) 2/25 Pupalia (Forest burr / Pupalia lappacea) 2/27 Twin seed (Javanese anaxagorea) 2/28
Whorled lasianthus (Lasianthus verticillatus) 3/6 Surian (Suren toon / Red cedar / Danupra) 3/17 Turaiya (Wild honeysuckle / Witch hazel) 3/17 Malapiagau (Mangrove canonball) 3/22
Comb rungia (Pectinata plant) 3/26      
Sabong                              Edsa Shrine Yucky & Yummy Cuisine Philippine Cuisine
Anting-anting Albularyo Quiapo Tiaong
Balut Sabong / Cockfighting     (Updated May 2024) Pasma Nazarene festival 2012
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A Collection of Anonymous and Ephemeral Prose and Poetry Heroes Nga-nga (Betel nut chewing)  
The Comic Failure of Language in Sex Education in the Philippines Hazing          Return of the Naytib
Expiration Dates of Drugs: Myths, Do's and Don'ts  
The Predicatalbe Failure of HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention in the Philippines  
HIV/AIDS in the Philippines: Window of Opportunity or Predictable ilures / An Opinion
Papaya for Dengue: The Case for Alternative Therapies  
The Case for Medical Marijuana (Oct 2017) Shabu
Deaths from Medical Errors / No. . . Doctors Are Not Allowed To Make Mistakes . . .But They Do. (May 2018) Triple Crown
Calling out Mr. Michael Tan: On Medicinal Plants and Nationalism (June 2018)  
The Case for Ivermectin (April 2021)  
The White House in Pulang Lupa • 2018
New Art
A Nice Drone View of the White House
Medicine in the Boondocks The Lazy Filipino? . . . Not    
MEDICAL TOPICS / New • Updates •
Beer Calories Potassium Medical Radiation Exposure Bangungot
Trans Fat / A Primer Marijuana Gout Caffeine     Update April 2018
Expiration Dates of Drugs Body Piercing    
Eggs Alcohol          Coffee      Caffeine
Medical News & Journal Article Finds
Statins Again Linked to Lower COVID19 Mortality
Among patients hospitalized for COVID-19, who had been taking statins, there was substantially greater than 40% rediction in mortality and greater than 25% reduction in risk of developing a severe outcome. (Medscape Medical News)
Dangerous oleander is a deadly plant poison, not a COVID19 cure. / Also read: Adelfa / Nerium oleander
© All content, imagery, and photos are copyrighted / Godofredo U. Stuart, Jr., MD • StuartXchange (unless otherwise stated)